GTA4 - Xbox Original Edition TC | Part 1

 I converted GTA4's LOD level 1 to old GTA: San Andreas v1.00 PC. This conversion tries to bring a PS2/Xbox graphics to GTA4 which is for next generation PS2/X360.

First screenshot of the NJ_01 ingame test

Second  screenshot of the NJ_01 ingame test

Third screenshot of the NJ_01 ingame test

Fourth screenshot of the NJ_01 ingame test

Fifth screenshot of the NJ_01 ingame test

 First screenshot of the NJ_02 ingame test

Note the missing road textures that I fixed adding TXD Parents

Second screenshot of the NJ_02 test with TXD Parent

NJ_liberty added

NJ_liberty added

NJ_liberty added

First screenshot of Manhat under the Broker bridge

Second screenshot of Manhat

Central Park

Bohan added

Broker added completing the east part of the map

Adding TOBJ objects in NJ_01


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