PlayStation 5 released tooooo much soon


The PS5 new gen console is just an evil plan from tech giants to grab their counsumers cash, creating a way to make the third remasters cycle started in PS3 and re-sell it "as new". The GTA Trilogy: The Definitive edition is a joke on players who wants graphics first priority ignoring the gameplay quality, puting a PS2 physics on PS5 is bizarre 👎. The Grand Theft Auto: 6, could've released on PS3, if the PS4 gen haven't started. The requeriment standard for PS4 using the full power of the console was very hard at the time, but what Rockstar Games could do? delay it much as possible keeping their fanbase playing on GTA Online with the toxic and chater players.

To be honest, how the GTA5 could survived on 3 consoles?

It is just crazy how players bought it on PS5 as it would be a new game? To be honest I haven't played GTA5 too much, but I'm already bored of the south californian map. But what R* could do? Make a tiny colombian online map that can't be played offline.

Reasons why Sony and Microsoft created a new game console gen?

The game companies probably forced these console manufactors to release and new generation to make possible release unoptimized games for PC/Consoles + shit remasters. But the problem is that it is hard to run well these brand new games on old hardware without make a lot of downgrades. It is like the consoles controls the game graphics and technology standards (even on PCs).


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